The James Altucher Show

JeVon McCormick: Don't be common, be the modern leader instead.

Episode Summary

Once again, JeVon McCormick, an American author, President, and CEO of Scribe Media joined me in this episode to talk about his success stories, and what had he learned about the structure of society throughout his years as an entrepreneur, and also his new book, Modern Leader.

Episode Notes

JeVon McCormick has an unusual upbringing. Who gave him his first business advice? It was When he was nine years old, from his dad, who was a pimp!

In this episode, JeVon McCormick,  an American author, President, and CEO of Scribe Media told me his origin story, where he was working for his dad (a pimp), collecting money from prostitutes, did not go to college, and he rose up to be an extremely successful entrepreneur, and eventually became the CEO of Scribe Media, which was an excellent publishing company, and his new book, The Modern Leader.

We also talked about what he had seen socially, learned as an entrepreneur, his biggest regrets, what he thinks about the state of the world should be, and what should do to make sure we have a better tomorrow.

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